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  • Writer's pictureMimi Lou

Covid19 Safer Halloween Tip

If you have kids that still want to trick or treat or you want to give out treats in a covid world. This is something we'll be doing and depending on your own health risks, you can do something similar to make Halloween as fun and safe as possible.

Have you heard about "Purple Pumpkins"? No? That's okay.

If you see a Purple Pumpkin at a neighbors home it means they are taking extra precautions for your kiddos. I.e. Wearing Masks, Hand Washing, Sanitizing, using individually wrapped candies, etc. Below is a Pumpkin you can print if you printer is only black ink like ours you can print the white Pumpkin and color it purple (extra fun for younger kids!).

Go forth and have a have the best and safe Halloween possible. And remember if you don't feel comfortable participating this year turn off your porch lights and watch a spooky movie instead 🤪.

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